Our third segment of the European adventure was a week of recordings with a final concert in Southern Germany. Our friend Lothar Landenberger has the vision of a limited edition LP series featuring unique jazz projects and invited us to revive several recordings we did with saxophonist Bob Berg in 1997 and add new tracks with prominent German sax players. We recorded in an acoustically amazing studio in Trochtelfingen/ Germany over three days (Peter Kienle on guitar, Quinn Sternberg on bass, Josh Roberts on drums and myself on Fender Rhodes) and created five new original tracks featuring saxophonists Peter Lehel, Sandi Kuhn, Paul Heller, and Lutz Haefner.
Studio owner Michael Fletscher was a very gracious host and fine engineer. Quinn and Josh stayed at the house and explored rural Germany during off hours. The relaxed atmosphere nurtured the musical process and especially our take of Peter’s Junk Jazz with Peter Lehel reflects the openness for adventures. Michael and his wife Claudia cooked up a storm for the dinners and great conversation was had by all. On Saturday, we presented a concert together with the Monika Roscher Big Band at Albstadt’s Thalia Theater. I’m a new fan of Monika’s work – what a refreshing and unique approach to music, here is an example!
For our final week we traveled to Glasgow, Scotland for the ISME Conference. What a lovely place of fancy architecture, kilts, funny language, and interesting food. I presented on the Jazz Education Network, my Music Industry Game and two duo concerts with Peter. Hopefully we’ll get back to be able to do more sightseeing – so much more to see!
Back Home Again in Indiana –